Location and Driving Directions on Mull

If you are driving to Mull, head for the main car ferry terminal at Oban, on the mainland.
Directions from Craignure:
On disembarking from the ferry at Craignure, turn right onto the A849 and follow the signs for Dervaig. Turn left beyond Salen, at Aros, and continue for approximately 10 miles. On arrival at Dervaig, turn right at the T-junction onto the B8073. Corrieyairack is situated 100 yards on the left. Corrieyairack (with the garage) is nearest the hotel.
Directions from Tobermory:
Follow the signs out of Tobermory for Dervaig B8073. This road is about 8 miles long. Then, on arrival at Dervaig, continue along the main road past the Bellachroy Hotel, towards Calgary. Corrieyairack is the first house past the hotel on the right.